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高友鹤   (1964年6月)          
博士 教授          

     1990年获中国协和医科大学医学博士(MD 1997年获美国康涅狄格大学生物医学博士(PhD)。‪1997-2001美国哈佛医新京澳门葡萄城博士后、讲师。2001年起获聘中国医学科新京澳门葡萄城特聘教授,任基础医学研究所病理生理学系教授。201412月获聘新京澳门葡萄城教授。曾获全国优秀博士论文指导教师,国家杰出青年基金,新世纪百千万人才国家级人选。现任《Urine》杂志创始主编,中国生化分子生物学会蛋白质组学分会理事等。建议在国际人类蛋白质组组织中开启尿蛋白质组行动计划,并任第一任主席。



提出由于尿液不像血液那样受身体稳态效应的控制,能够汇集大量的疾病相关变化,能够更好地反映早期微小的变化,是生物标志物的更好体液来源。 并且提出了利用动物模型寻找和疾病相关标志物,然后再在临床样本中验证的尿液标志物研发路线图。 提出了领域内被忽视的药物对标志物的影响。 在尿液样本的保存方面创新地提出了将尿液中的蛋白质、核酸吸附在膜上干燥真空保存的方法。在拓展尿液标志物的应用上做了大量尝试。




     1. Translational Urinomics, 2021 Springer International Publishing, (Chapter 7) On Research and Translation of Urinary Biomarkers

   2. Urine Promising Biomarker Source for Early Disease Detection Gao, Youhe (Ed.) 2019 Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

      3. 《蛋白质组学与精准医学》上海交通大学出版社 2017 尿液蛋白质组研究及其应用

      4. 《中国生物样本库--理论与实践()》科学出版社2017尿液生物样本库及其应用

    5. Urine Proteomics in Kidney Disease Biomarker Discovery, Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 845 Gao, Youhe (Ed.) 2015 Springer

   6. Renal and Urinary Proteomics Methods and Protocols, 2009 Wiley, Chapters: Enrichment and Analysis of Concanavalin A-Captured Urinary Glycoproteins; Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry for Analysis of the Urinary Proteome


 1. Lulu Jia, Xuejiao Liu, Liu Liu, Mingxi Li, Youhe Gao Urimem, a membrane that can store urinary proteins simply and economically, makes the large-scale storage of clinical samples possible. Sci China Life Sci, March 2014, 57: 3369

2. Menglin Li, Mindi Zhao and Youhe Gao Changes of proteins induced by anticoagulants can be more sensitively detected in urine rather than plasma. Sci China Life Sci, 2014, 57(7): 649-656.

3. Lisi Zhu, Menglin Li, Lilong Wei, Xuejiao Liu, Jianrui Yin and Youhe Gao Fast fixing and comprehensive identification to help improve real-time ligands discovery based on formaldehyde crosslinking, immunoprecipitation and SDS-PAGE separation Proteome Science 2014, 12:6

4. Wei Yin, Weiwei Qin, Youhe Gao Urine glucose levels are disordered before blood glucose level increase was observed in Zucker diabetic fatty rats. Sci China Life Sci. 2018; 61:844-8

 5. Jianqiang Wu, Zhengguang Guo, Youhe Gao Dynamic changes in the urine proteome of a Walker 256 tumor-bearing rat model. Cancer Med. 2017; 6:2713-22

 6. Jianqiang Wu, Xundou Li, Mindi Zhao, He Huang, Wei Sun, and Youhe Gao Early detection in urinary proteome for effective early treatment of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rat model. Proteomics Clin Appl. 2017; 11(11-12).

 7. Yanying Ni, Fanshuang Zhang, Manxia An, Wei Yin and Youhe Gao Early candidate biomarkers found from urine of glioblastoma multiforme rat before changes in MRI. Sci China Life Sci. 2018; 61:982-7

 8. Fanshuang Zhang, Jing Wei, Xundou Li, Chao Ma, Youhe Gao Early candidate urine biomarkers for detecting Alzheimer's disease before beta amyloid plaque deposition in an APP (swe)/PSEN1dE9 transgenic mouse model. J Alzheimers Dis. 2018; 66:61337

 9. Yongtao Liu, Youzhu Wang, Zhixiang Cao, Youhe Gao Changes in the Urinary Proteome in a Patient-Derived Xenograft (PDX) Nude Mouse Model of Colorectal Tumor. Sci Rep. 2019 9:4975-84.

10. Jing Wei, Na Ni, Linpei Zhang, Youhe Gao Early candidate biomarkers in urine of Walker-256 lung metastasis rat model. Scientific Reports 2019 9:13804

11. Jing Wei, Wenshu Meng, Youhe Gao Urine proteome changes in rats with approximately ten tumor cells subcutaneous inoculation PeerJ. 2019 Sep 17;7:e7717.

12. 刘永涛,赵敏迪,潘宣圳,高友鹤. 健康人的尿液中为什么会有蛋白质?中国科学: 生命科学2020 50(3), 338-348

13. Yongtao Liu, Mindi Zhao, Xuanzhen Pan, Youhe Gao Global chemical modifications comparison of human plasma proteomes from two different age groups Sci Rep. 2020 Sep 14;10(1):14998.

14. Yuhang Huan, Jing Wei, Tong Su & Youhe Gao  Urine proteome changes in a chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) mouse model of major depressive disorder. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2021 199:114064.

15. Wenshu Meng, Yuhang Huan, Youhe Gao Urinary proteome profiling for children with autism using data-independent acquisition proteomics  Transl Pediatr. 2021 10(7):1765-1778.

16. Wenshu Meng, Dan Xu, Yunchen Meng, Weinan Zhang, Yaqi Xue, Zhiping Zhen, Youhe Gao. Changes in the urinary proteome in rats with regular swimming exercise. PeerJ 2021 9:e12406

17. Weiwei Qin, Ting Wang, Guangwei Liu, Lixin Sun, Wei Han, Youhe Gao. Dynamic urinary proteome changes in ovalbumin-induced asthma mouse model using data-independent acquisition proteomics. Journal of Asthma and Allergy 2021 14:13551366

18. Jing Wei , Yuhang Huan, Ziqi Heng, Chenyang Zhao, Lulu Jia, Yuncui Yu&Youhe Gao. Dynamic urine proteome changes in a rat model of simvastatin-induced skeletal muscle injury. Journal of Proteomics 2022 254:104477

19.  Weiwei Qin, He Huang, Yuting Dai, Wei Han, Youhe Gao Proteome analysis of urinary biomarkers in a cigarette smoke-induced COPD rat model. Respiratory Research 2022 23:156

20. Yongtao Liu, Xuanzhen Pan, Yijin Bao, Lilong Wei and Youhe Gao. Many kinds of oxidized proteins are present more in the urine of the elderly. Clinical Proteomics 2022 19:22

21. 鲍艺今,成祥,朱玲玲,范明,高友鹤.大鼠急性低氧模型尿液蛋白质组的变化。 生物工程学报 2022 10.13345/j.cjb.220181

22. 鲍艺今,潘宣圳,高友鹤.(2022).通过尿蛋白质组探索两种中成药对机体的整体影响中国科学: 生命科学 2022 doi: 10.1360/SSV-2022-0084

23. Shuxuan Tang, Youhe Gao. Urinary proteome changes during pregnancy in rats Biomolecules 2023, 13(1), 34.

24. Shuxuan Tang, Yuhang Huan, Jian Yang, Youhe Gao (2023) Predicting the efficacy of escitalopram in the treatment of depression through urinary proteome. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 484:116980 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijms.2022.116980

25. Xuanzhen Pan, Yongtao Liu, Yijin Bao, Lilong Wei and Youhe Gao (2022) Changes in the urinary proteome before and after quadrivalent influenza vaccine and COVID-19 vaccination. Front Immunol. 13:946791.

26. Xuanzhen Pan, Yongtao Liu, Yijin Bao and Youhe Gao (2023) Changes of Development from Childhood to Late Adulthood in Rats Tracked by Urinary Proteome. Mol Cell Proteomics. 22(6):100539.

27. Haitong Wang, Chenyang Zhao, Youhe Gao (2024) Comparison of urinary proteome in the first two days after mating in male rats. Advances in Biomarker Sciences and Technology.  6:166-173


1. 高友鹤. 尿液有可能成为生物标志物的金矿吗? 中国科学 生命科学, 2013, 43(8): 708-708

 2. Youhe Gao Roadmap to the Urine Biomarker Era. MOJ Proteomics Bioinform 2014, 1(1): 00005

 3. Youhe Gao Taking a Deep Breath. MOJ Proteomics Bioinform 2015 2(4): 00055.

 4. Youhe Gao Not all human beings are created equal MOJ Proteomics Bioinform 2015 2(3): 00051.

 5. Youhe Gao Facts of Research on Protein-Protein Interactions Sci China Life Sci. 2017 60(3):313-314.

 6. Youhe Gao Now is the time to test early urinary biomarkers in large-scale human samples. Sci China Life Sci. 2019 62(6):851-853.

 7. Youhe Gao The Urine Proteome in Toxicology. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2020 33(6):1281-1283.

 8. Gao Y. (2020) Conductance of Homeostasis MOJ Proteomics Bioinform. 2020;9(4):99100

 9. Gao Y. (2021) Editorial: The Start of Diabetes Insipidus? Urine, 2021.05.001.

 10. Gao Y. and Liu Y. (2022) The devil is in the detail Urine, 2022.03.001

 11. Gao Y. (2022) Commentary: The future of early detection of cancer is in urine. Urine 2022.04.001.


1. Jianqiang Wu and Youhe Gao Physiological conditions can be reflected in human urine proteome and metabolome Expert Review of Proteomics 2015 12(6):623-636

2. Manxia An and Youhe Gao Urinary Biomarkers of Brain Diseases. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. 2015 13(6):345-54.

3. Huan Yuhang, Qin Weiwei and Gao Youhe  Factors to consider in the verification of urinary biomarkers Sci China Life Sci. 2018 61(10):1283-1290

4. Wenshu Meng, Jing Wei and Youhe Gao Could urine biomarkers reflect different stages of disease? Curr Sci Res Biomed Sciences 2020  3(1): 180013

5. Wenshu Meng and Youhe Gao Randomized grouping statistical analysis in clinical omics biomarker discovery MOJ Proteomics Bioinform. 2020 9(3):7375.

6. Jing Wei and Youhe Gao Early disease biomarkers in urine proteomes of animal models. Expert Rev Proteomics. 2021 Jun 7:1-16.

7. 高友鹤 尿液生物标志物 北京师范大学学报自然科学版 2022第六期 DOI10.12202/j.0476-0301.2022090

8. 沈梓芸 高友鹤 尿液蛋白质组作为下一代生物标志物的潜力 2022)中国生物化学与分子生物学报 38(12):1571~ 1585

9. 高友鹤 尿蛋白质组反映机体状态的边界在哪里?(2023)延安大学学报医学科学版 211):1-3


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