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姜天霞   (1984年12月)            
博士 副教授            




2008年,本科毕业于武汉大学新京澳门葡萄城;2013年,博士毕业于中国科学新京澳门葡萄城生物物理研究所,师从阎锡蕴院士;2013年-2014年, 于中国科新京澳门葡萄城遗传与发育研究所任助理研究员;2015年1月-至今,任教于新京澳门葡萄城。2018年获得硕士研究生导师资格。2020年获得博士研究生导师资格。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、北京市自然科学基金面上项目、以及国家重点研发计划分课题,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目和药企横向项目等。承担本科生双语《分子生物学》国家精品课程,《肿瘤靶向治疗与人类健康》及《细胞生物学实验》等课程。曾任2016级生科院本科生辅导员,并于2019年12月,荣获“北京师范大学优秀辅导员”称号。2021年,荣获北京师范大学第十五届励耘青年教师二等奖。2023年获北京师范大学“仲英青年学者”称号。



蛋白酶体及自噬介导的蛋白质降解参与蛋白稳态调控,其紊乱导致发育异常及疾病发生。主要研究蛋白质降解在凋亡、衰老及精子发生中的作用机制,揭示巨型泛素化酶BIRC6/BRUCE促进自噬标签蛋白LC3-II的前体LC3-I通过PA28r蛋白酶体降解(PNAS, 2019),并阐释BIRC6调控自噬及凋亡间转换的分子机理(Nat Commun., 2024);阐明PA200蛋白酶体维持转录及衰老过程中组蛋白修饰稳定性的表观遗传调控机制(Theranostics,封面文章, 2021;Curr Genomics, 2021Biological Reviews, 2018Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2024);发现泛素连接酶Nrdp1及睾丸特异性蛋白酶体亚基a4s分别通过促进自噬相关顶体生成或精母细胞减数分裂中DNA损伤修复时的组蛋白降解以调控精子发生的分子机制(Cells, 2023; JBC, 2021)。以上成果为治疗癌症、不孕不育及衰老相关疾病提供依据。





1. Shuo-Shuo Liu; Tian-Xia Jiang; Fan Bu; Ji-Lan Zhao; Guang-Fei Wang; Guo-Heng Yang; Jie-Yan Kong; Yun-Fan Qie; Pei Wen; Li-Bin Fan; Ning-Ning Li*; Ning Gao*; Xiao-Bo Qiu*; Molecular mechanisms underlying the BIRC6-mediated regulation of apoptosis and autophagy, Nature Communications, 2024, Jan 30;15(1):891.IF16.6

2. Zi-Yu Luo; Tian-Xia Jiang; Tao Zhang; Ping Xu* and Xiao-Bo Qiu*; Ubiquitin Ligase Nrdp1 Controls Autophagy-Associated Acrosome Biogenesis and Mitochondrial Arrangement during Spermiogenesis. Cells, 2023, 12, 2211 IF 6.0

3. Chen YS, Han X, Lin K, Jiang TX*, Qiu XB*. (2021). Proteasome Activator Blm10 Regulates Transcription Especially During Aging. Curr Genomics. 2021 Dec 16;22(4):306-317.

4. Jiang, T.X., Ma Shuang, Han Xia, ..., Lin Kui* and Qiu, X.B*. (2021). Proteasome activator PA200 maintains stability of histone marks during transcription and aging. Theranostics, 2021; 11(3): 1458-1472. doi: 10.7150/thno.48744. (IF:11.6)

5. Zi-Hui Zhang, Tian-Xia Jiang*, Lian-Bin Chen, Wenhui Zhou, Yixun Liu, Fei Gao, and Xiao-Bo Qiu*. (2021) Proteasome subunit a4s is essential for formation of spermatoproteasomes and histone degradation during meiotic DNA repair in spermatocytes. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2021 Jan-Jun;296:100130. (IF:4.23)

6. Jiang, T.X., ..., Goldberg*, A.L. and Qiu, X.B*. (2019). SIP/CacyBP promotes autophagy by regulating levels of BRUCE/Apollon, which stimulates LC3-I degradation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2019.116(27):13404-13413. (IF:9.5)

7. Jiang, T.X, …, Yan XY*. CD146 is a coreceptor for VEGFR-2 in tumor angiogenesis. Blood, 2012, Sep 13;120(11):2330-9. (IF:10.8)

8. Hao Yang; Tianxia Jiang; Libin Fan; Xiaobo Qiu ; lncRNA LINC00960 promotes apoptosis by sponging ubiquitin ligase Nrdp1-targeting miR-183-5p, Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2023,55(1): 91-102.

9. Lian-Bin Chen, Shuang Ma, Tian-Xia Jiang, Xiao-Bo Qiu*. Transcriptional upregulation of proteasome activator Blm10 antagonizes cellular aging. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 Nov 5;532(2):211-218. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.07.003. Epub 2020 Aug 27.

10. Zijian Li, Luming Zhou, Tian-xia Jiang, Xiaobo Qiu*.Proteasomal deubiquitinase UCH37 inhibits degradation of β-catenin and promotes cell proliferation and motility., Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 2019, Volume 51, Issue 3, 277–284.

11. Yesheng Yin†, Qianqian Zhu†, Tian-xia Jiang, Libin Fan* & Xiaobo Qiu*.  Targeting histones for degradation in cancer cells as a novel strategy in cancer treatment. Science China Life Sciences, 2019, Aug;62(8):1078-1086.

12. Ya-nan Liang,Yue Zhuang, Tian-xia Jiang *, Xiao-bo Qiu *. Long Noncoding RNA YLB regulates expression of multiple genes in subtelomeric region.中国生化药物杂志2017.01.001

13. Jie Zhuang, Tian-xia Jiang, …, Yan XY. NADPH oxidase 4 mediates reactive oxygen species induction of CD146 dimerization in VEGF signal transduction. Free radical biology & medicine, 2010, 49, 227-236.

14. 陈禹杉姜天霞,周鲁明,冯仁田,邱小波*. 泛素-蛋白酶体通路与药物研发.中国生化药物杂志,2016.12.001

15. 魏文毅;…姜天霞; …,邱小波*;类泛素蛋白及其中文命名, 科学通报, 2018, (25): 2564-2569.


1.      Pei Wen, Yan Sun, Tian-Xia Jiang* and Xiao-Bo Qiu*, PA200-Mediated Proteasomal Protein Degradation and Regulation of Cellular Senescence. Int. J. Mol. Sci. , 2024, 25, 5637.

2.      姜天霞*,邱小波*. PA200蛋白酶体介导蛋白质降解的功能及作用机制,中国科学:生命科学,2022,第52 卷第8 : 1129 ~ 1136.

3.      Jiang, T.X.*, Zhao, M., and Qiu, X.B*. Substrate receptors of proteasomes. Biological Reviews, 2018, 93, 1765-1777. (IF:11.6)


1. 邱小波、张宏、王琛和王琳芳 主编。《泛素家族介导的蛋白质降解和细胞自噬》,科学出版社 (2020),本人任编委。


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