
首页» 学科建设» 师资队伍» 现任教师» 教授/教授级高级工程师
董 路   (1982年9月)
博士 教授

2010年北京师范大学获得理学博士学位,2015年入选中国科协“青年托举人才”计划,2018-2019年Harvard University生物与演化学系访问学者,生态学系副系主任。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,国家重点研发计划子课题1项。承担本科生《普通动物学》、《鸟类学》和研究生《系统与进化生物学》等课程。兼任北京动物学会副秘书长,中国动物学会鸟类学分会理事。





Yang, GC., He, HY., Zhang, GG., Zhao, WY., Zhou, JY., Qian, Y., Huang, X.*, Dong, L*, (2021), Neglected parasite reservoirs in wetlands: Prevalence and diversity of avian haemosporidians in waterbird communities in Northeast China. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 15: 177-183.

Huang, X., Huang, D., Liang, Y., Zhang, L.,Yang, G., Liu, B., Peng, Y., Deng, W.*, Dong, L.* (2020). A new protocol for absolute quantification of haemosporidian parasites in raptors and comparison with current assays. Parasites & Vectors, 13: 354.

Wei C, Dong L#, Li SH, Alström P, Liu Y, Xia C, Yao CT, Zhang Y#.(2019)From the Himalayas to a continental Island: Integrative species delimitation in the Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler Horornis fortipes complex. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution. 131:219-27.

Liu B, Deng Z, Huang W, Dong L#, Zhang Y.(2019)High prevalence and narrow host range of haemosporidian parasites in Godlewski's bunting (Emberiza godlewskii) in northern China. Parasitology international. 69:121-5.

Liu Y, Liu S, Yeh C-F, Zhang N, Chen G, Que P, Dong L*, Li S-H*. (2018). The first set of universal nuclear protein-coding loci markers for avian phylogenetic and population genetic studies. Scientific reports. 8:15723.

Tian H*, Zhou S*, Dong L*, Van Boeckel TP*, Cui Y, Newman SH, Takekawa JY, Prosser DJ, Xiao X, Wu Y.(2015)Avian influenza H5N1 viral and bird migration networks in Asia. PNAS. 112(1):172-7.

Dong L, Wei M, Alström P, Huang X, Olsson U, Shigeta Y, Zhang Y, Zheng G. Taxonomy of the Narcissus Flycatcher Ficedula narcissina complex: an integrative approach using morphological, bioacoustic and multilocus DNA data. Ibis. 2015;157(2):312-25.


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