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张俊杰   (1970年10月)              

1988-1992,复旦大学生命科新京澳门葡萄城微生物系,本科生;1992-1995,北京生物制品研究所医学免疫学专业,硕士研究生;1995-1998,第四军医大学生物化学与分子生物学专业,博士研究生;1998-2000,第四军医大学生物化学与分子生物学教研室,讲师;2000-2004,美国新泽西医科和牙科大学Robert Wood Johnson医新京澳门葡萄城,博士后;2004-2005,北京生命科学研究所,博士后;2005-今,新京澳门葡萄城,教授。2005年入选北京市科技新星计划和教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划;2006-2009年任细胞生物学系系主任;2009-2022年任细胞生物学研究所所长、细胞增殖及调控生物学教育部重点实验室主任;2021年4月至今任生物学系系主任。担任北京细胞生物学会理事,中国生物化学与分子生物学会脂质与脂蛋白专业委员会委员。主持的本科生《分子生物学》双语课程被评为国家双语示范课程和国家精品课程。在Molecular Cell,Autophagy,Journal of Biological Chemistry,Journal of Lipid Research等学术刊物上发表SCI论文36篇,授权国家发明专利6项。




应激条件下细菌的生长调控机制:研究毒素-抗毒素系统(Toxin-antitoxin system)和Pup-蛋白酶体系统在分枝杆菌生长调控中的作用及其分子机制,揭示相关机制在结核分枝杆菌致病中的作用,探讨结核病防治的新方法。



         1.   Yang Long, Yuqin Wang, Mengxia Qu, Di Zhang, Xiaotian Zhang* and Junjie Zhang* (2023). Combined inhibition of EZH2 and the autotaxin-LPA-LPA2 axis exerts synergistic antitumor effects on colon cancer cells. Cancer Letters,566,216226.

       2.   Mengxia Qu, Yang Long, Yuqin Wang, Nan Yin, Xiaotian Zhang*, Junjie Zhang* (2023). Hypoxia Increases ATX Expression by Histone Crotonylation in a HIF-2α-Dependent Manner. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,24,7031.

3.   Mengmiao Li, Qian Huang, Weidi Zhang, Yinghua Cao, Zhanxin Wang, Zhenwen Zhao, Xiaotian Zhang and Junjie Zhang* (2022). A Novel Acyl-AcpM-Binding Protein Confers Intrinsic Sensitivity to Fatty Acid Synthase Type II Inhibitors in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:846722. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.846722.

4.   Xin Xu, Yihua Zhang, Junjie Zhang*, and Xiaotian Zhang* (2020). NSun2 promotes cell migration through methylating autotaxin mRNA. Journal of Biological Chemistry,295 (52),18134-18147. 

5.   Yuqin Wang, Lin Lvy, Xiaotian Zhang*, and Junjie Zhang* (2019). Autotaxin is a novel target of microRNA-101-3p. FEBS Open Bio. 9(4):707-716.

6.   Xiaodong Chi, Yunqing Chang, Mengmiao Li, Jin Lin, Yi Liu, Chuanyou Li, Shenjie Tang and Junjie Zhang*(2018). Biochemical characterization of mt-PemIK, a novel toxin-antitoxin system in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. FEBS Letters 592(24):4039-4050.

7.   Shuhong Sun, Ran Wang, Jianwen Song, Ming Guan, Na Li, Xiaotian Zhang, Zhanwen Zhao, Junjie Zhang* (2017). Blocking gp130 signaling suppresses autotaxin expression in adipocytes and improves insulin sensitivity in diet-induced obesity. Journal of Lipid Research 58(11):2102-2113. (Cover story)

8.   Lin Lyu, Baolu Wang, Chaoyang Xiong, Xiaotian Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhang, and Junjie Zhang* (2017). Selective export of autotaxin from the endoplasmic reticulum. Journal of Biological Chemistry 292(17):7011-7022.

9.   Shuhong Sun, Xiaotian Zhang*, Lin Lyu, Xixi Li, Siliang Yao, and Junjie Zhang* (2016). Autotaxin expression is regulated at the post-transcriptional level by the RNA-binding proteins HuR and AUF1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 291(50):25823-25836.

10.  Xuejie Chen, Chandan Li, Li Wang, Yi Liu, Chuanyou Li, Junjie Zhang* (2016) The Mechanism of Mycobacterium smegmatis PafA Self-Pupylation. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151021. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151021.

11.  Jianwen Song, Ming Guan, Zhenwen Zhao, Junjie Zhang* (2015) Type I Interferons Function as Autocrine and Paracrine Factors to Induce Autotaxin in Response to TLR Activation. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0136629. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0136629.

12.  Song Li, Bin Guo, Jianwen Song, Xiaoli Deng, Yusheng Cong, Pengfei Li, Ke Zhao, Lihong Liu, Gang Xiao, Feng Xu, Yingjiang Ye, Zhenwen Zhao, Menggang Yu, Yan Xu, Jianli Sang*, Junjie Zhang* (2013). Plasma choline-containing phospholipids: Potential biomarkers for colorectal cancer progression. Metabolomics 9(1):202-212.

13.  Xiaolei Xie, Li Le, Yanxin Fan, Lin Lv, Junjie Zhang* (2012). Autophagy is induced through the ROS-TP53-DRAM1 pathway in response to mitochondrial protein synthesis inhibition. Autophagy 8(7): 1071-1084.

14.  Song Li, Chaoyang Xiong, Junjie Zhang* (2012). ATX and LPA receptor 3 are coordinately up-regulated in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated THP-1 cells through PKR and SPK1-mediated pathways. FEBS Letter 586(6):792-797.

15.  Song Li, Baolu Wang, Yan Xu, Junjie Zhang* (2011). Autotaxin is induced by TSA through HDAC3 and HDAC7 inhibition and antagonizes the TSA-induced cell apoptosis. Molecular Cancer 10(1):18 doi:10.1186/1476-4598-10-18.

16.  Song Li, Junjie Zhang* (2009) Lipopolysaccharide Induces Autotaxin Expression in Monocytic THP-1 Cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 378(2):264-268.

17.  Longxuan Zhao, Junjie Zhang* (2008) Biochemical characterization of a chromosomal toxin-antitoxin system in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. FEBS Letter 582(5)710-714.

18.  Motoo Suzuki, Junjie Zhang, Mohan Liu, Nancy A. Woychik and Massayori Inouye* (2005). Single protein production in living cells facilitated by an mRNA interferase. Molecular Cell 18(2):253-261.

19.  Junjie Zhang, Yonglong Zhang, Ling Zhu, Motoo Suzuki and Masayori Inouye* (2004). Interference of mRNA function by sequence-specific endoribonuclease PemK. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279(20):20678-20684.

20.  Yonglong Zhang#, Junjie Zhang#, Klaus P. Hoeflich, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Guoliang Qing, Masayori Inouye* (2003). MazF cleaves cellular mRNAs specifically at ACA to block protein synthesis in Escherichia coli. Molecular Cell 12(4):913-923. (#Authors contributed equally).

21.  Junjie Zhang, Yonglong Zhang and Masayori Inouye* (2003). Characterization of the interactions within the mazEF addiction module of Escherichia coli. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278(34):32300-32306.

22.  Junjie Zhang, Yonglong Zhang and Masayori Inouye* (2003). Thermotoga maritima MazG protein has both nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase and pyrophosphatase activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278(24): 21408-21414.

23.  Junjie Zhang, Masayori Inouye* (2002). MazG, a nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase, interacts with Era, an essential GTPase in Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology 184(19): 5323-5329.


     24.   戴炜,李梦淼,张俊杰*(2023). Pup-蛋白酶体系统作用机制和生物学功能. 生物化学与生物物理进展 50(4):725-739.

     25.   张地,张俊杰*(2022).Autotaxin表达调控机制及其生物学功能. 中国科学:生命科学,52(8),1148-1162.

     26.   Xiaotian Zhang, Mengmiao Li, Nan Yin, Junjie Zhang* (2021). The Expression Regulation and Biological Function of Autotaxin. Cells, 10(4):939. doi:10.3390/cells10040939

    27.   尹楠,张俊杰*(2021). Autotaxin-LPA轴在肥胖及其相关疾病中的作用. 生物化学与生物物理进展 48(7), 768-778.

    28.   王晓蕾,赵龙旋,张俊杰*(2008). 细菌毒素-抗毒素系统的研究进展. 生物化学与生物物理进展 35(9):991-997.


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