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韩生成   (  博士  1970.3 出生) 












Yang Han, Yinxing Wang, Yuanjun Zhai,   Zhaohong Wen, Jin Liu, Chao Xi, Heping Zhao, Yingdian Wang and Shengcheng   Han# (2022) OsOSCA1.1 Mediates Hyperosmolality and Salt Stress Sensing in   Oryza sativa. Biology, 11(5): 678.

Doudou Wang, Feifei Huang, Pengcheng Yan,   Yanli Nie, Lvli Chen, Jin Luo, Heping Zhao, Yingdian Wang and Shengcheng   Han# (2022) Cytosolic and nucleosolic calcium-regulated molecular   networks in response to long-term treatment with abscisic acid and methyl   jasmonate in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genes 13: 524.

Hanmeng Wang, Zhilin Chu, Shu Chang,   Shenghua Jia, Lu Pang, Chao Xi, Jin Liu, Heping Zhao, Yingdian Wang#, Shengcheng   Han# (2022) Transcriptomic identification of long noncoding RNAs and   their hormone-associated nearby coding genes involved in the differential   development of caryopses localized on different branches in rice. Journal of   Plant Physiology 271: 153663.

Yihao Li, Kun Liu, Ganlu Tong, Chao Xi, Jin   Liu, Heping Zhao, Yingdian Wang, Dongtao Ren, Shengcheng Han# (2022) MPK3/MPK6-mediated ERF72 phosphorylation   positively regulates resistance to Botrytis   cinerea through directly and indirectly activating the transcription of   camalexin-biosynthesis enzymes. Journal of Experimental Botany 73(1): 413-428.

Shenghua Jia, Shu Chang, Hanmeng Wang,   Zhilin Chu, Chao Xi, Jin Liu, Heping Zhao, Shengcheng Han# & Yingdian Wang# (2021) Transcriptomic   analysis reveals the contribution of auxin on the differentially developed   caryopses on primary and secondary branches in rice. Journal of Plant   Physiology 256: 153310.

Yuanjun Zhai, Zhaohong Wen, Yang Han,   Wenqing Zhuo, Fang Wang, Chao Xi, Jin Liu, Ping Gao, Heping Zhao, Yingdian   Wang, Youjun Wang#, Shengcheng Han#   (2020) Heterogeneous expression of plasma-membrane-localised OsOSCA1.4   complements osmotic sensing based on hyperosmolality and salt stress in Arabidopsis   osca1 mutant. Cell Calcium 91: 102261

Shu Chang, Yixing Chen, Shenghua Jia,   Yihao Li, Kun Liu, Zhouhua Lin, Hanmeng Wang, Zhilin Chu, Jin Liu, Chao Xi,   Heping Zhao, Shengcheng Han# and Yingdian Wang# (2020) Auxin apical   dominance governed by the OsAsp1-OsTIF1 complex determines distinctive rice   caryopses development on different branches. PLoS Genetics 16(10): e1009157

Jin Luo, Lvli   Chen, Feifei Huang, Ping Gao, Heping Zhao, Yingdian Wang, Shengcheng Han#   (2020) Intraorganellar calcium imaging in Arabidopsis seedling roots using   the GCaMP variants GCaMP6m and R-CEPIA1er. Journal of Plant Physiology   246–247; 153127

Lili Yue, Liuqing Wang, Yangchun Du,   Wei Zhang, Kozo Hamada, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Xi Jin, Yandong Zhou, Katsuhiko   Mikoshiba, Donald L. Gill, Shengcheng Han# and Youjun Wang# (2020)   Type 3 Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Receptor is a Crucial Regulator of   Calcium Dynamics Mediated by Endoplasmic Reticulum in HEK Cells. Cells 9,   275; doi:10.3390/cells9020275

Kun Liu, Yihao Li, Xuena Chen, Lijuan   Li, Kai Liu, Heping Zhao, Yingdian Wang# and Shengcheng Han#   (2018) ERF72 interacts with ARF6 and BZR1 to regulate hypocotyl elongation in   Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot. 69 (16): 3933-3947.

Huang F, Luo J, Ning T, Cao W, Jin X,   Zhao H, Wang Y and Han S# (2017) Cytosolic and nucleosolic calcium   signaling in response to osmotic and salt stresses are independent of each   other in roots of Arabidopsis seedlings. Front. Plant Sci. 8:1648. doi:   10.3389/fpls.2017.01648

Li Y., Yuan F., Wen Z., Li   Y., Wang F., Zhu T., Zhuo W., Jin X., Wang Y., Zhao H., Pei Z-M and Han S.#   (2015) Genome-Wide Survey and Expression Analysis of the OSCA Gene Family in   Rice. BMC Plant Biology 15:261 doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0653-8

Nie Y., Huang F., Dong S., Li L., Gao P.,   Zhao H., Wang Y., and Han S# (2014) Identification of inositol   1,4,5-trisphosphate-binding proteins by heparin-agarose affinity purification   and LTQ ORBITRAP MS in Oryza sativa. Proteomics 14: 2335-2338.


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