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【报告】Fishing RNA with FISH in Drosophila
    2018-03-07  浏览次数:

【题    目】:Fishing RNA with FISH in Drosophila

【报告人】:胡建国, PhD   (加拿大多伦多大学)


To determine the patterns of expression and subcellular localization of Drosophila RNAs on a genome-wide basis, and in a variety of tissues, we have developed numerous modifications and improvements to our original fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) protocol.

These amplification and localization steps produce a robust and highly localized signal that facilitates both cellular and subcellular transcript localization(Cell 2007),(G3 2013), (Gene and Development 2016), (J. Vis Exp 2017).

【时      间】: 2018年  3月 15日(周四) 下午2:00

【地      点】:生地楼116室

【主 持 人】:孙林   副 教授


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